Autumn Dune Bouquet


The autumn dune bouquet features multiple varieties of dried eucalyptus, desert dried brittle bush, and naturally dried grasses and flowers. Tied neatly with a natural string and displayed in a classic glass vase, it makes the perfect year-round gift or dried floral decor.

All dried flowers arrive hand arranged by Jillian, carefully packaged and wrapped for safe shipping. All flowers and foliage has been sourced from my garden, local sellers, and sustainably foraged resources. This makes each batch small and unique. Bouquets are made to keep their natural beauty for a minimum of a year or longer.

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The autumn dune bouquet features multiple varieties of dried eucalyptus, desert dried brittle bush, and naturally dried grasses and flowers. Tied neatly with a natural string and displayed in a classic glass vase, it makes the perfect year-round gift or dried floral decor.

All dried flowers arrive hand arranged by Jillian, carefully packaged and wrapped for safe shipping. All flowers and foliage has been sourced from my garden, local sellers, and sustainably foraged resources. This makes each batch small and unique. Bouquets are made to keep their natural beauty for a minimum of a year or longer.

The autumn dune bouquet features multiple varieties of dried eucalyptus, desert dried brittle bush, and naturally dried grasses and flowers. Tied neatly with a natural string and displayed in a classic glass vase, it makes the perfect year-round gift or dried floral decor.

All dried flowers arrive hand arranged by Jillian, carefully packaged and wrapped for safe shipping. All flowers and foliage has been sourced from my garden, local sellers, and sustainably foraged resources. This makes each batch small and unique. Bouquets are made to keep their natural beauty for a minimum of a year or longer.